Studio Memberships

Ceramics Studio Membership

Membership is a great way to independently access our studio!  Members enjoy the use of all of our shared equipment and glazes, including firings. Clay is not included in membership, but is available for purchase at $30 per (25lb) bag. All work is fired by Alchemy technicians. Members have the option of renting their own storage shelf for an additional $25 per month, depending on availability. Otherwise, members can store one bag of clay at a time in the group cabinet, and utilize the group shelf options. Storage will be explained in detail during the orientation.

On Wednesdays, members can participate in our monitored open studio from 5pm-7pm. This is a great time to ask questions and get guidance on various processes. The last Wednesday Open Studio is open to the public. We welcome friends, visitors, etc. to come check out the studio then! Please note that Open Studio is not a time to drop in to make work unless you are a member. If you are interested in checking out the studio and making something, please attend one of our Community Art Nights, on the last Thursday of every month.

Anyone can be a member regardless of previous experience, but we do require all members (monthly members and punch card members) to schedule an orientation in order to know how to safely and independently use the facilities before using the space.

Ceramics Studio Membership Details:

  • Monthly Rate: $95 per calendar month beginning on the 1st of each month

  • Members can access the studio from 7am-9pm daily, except during classes or if the studio is at capacity (online scheduling of studio time is required)

  • If a new member joins after the 15th during their 1st month, they will be prorated at $50 for their first month and charged full price on the first day of the next month

  • Personal storage shelf: $25/month. Shelves can be shared between multiple members

  • Discount tutorial rates available at $25/hour per person

  • Members receive a 20% discount on all Alchemy classes!

  • Access to monitored open studio Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm

  • Membership to Print/Photo and Ceramics studios: $140/month

  • Memberships are month-to-month. To cancel a membership, please contact us before the start of the month you’d like to cancel

Ceramics Punch Cards:

  • One $40 Punch Card is redeemable for 4 independent studio hours, and can be shared between multiple people. Punch cards can be purchased in our online store

  • Does not include in-studio storage

  • Expires 3 months after purchase

  • Access to monitored open studio Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm

  • No discounted tutorial rates. Check out private class rates here

Special Situations:

  • Tuition assistance:  If finances are a barrier for joining the studio, we invite you to apply for tuition assistance. You can learn more and apply here

  • Work-trade option: 2 hours/month of work-trade in exchange for $20 off of monthly membership. These opportunities are not always available - if you are interested in this option, please contact us at

  • Parent/child memberships: Membership is primarily geared towards adults, although some children under the age of 17 may be permitted to join along with a parent or guardian.  Membership rates are the same for adults and children. Please let us know if you would like to discuss options

  • Firing Fees: Do you just need your work fired? If your clay is cone 6, we may be able to help you! Firing fees are calculated for each firing (bisque and glaze) at $.04 per cubic inch, imagining your item is inside of a box. A typical 5" tall mug would cost about $5 to bisque fire, and $5 to glaze fire

Print/Photo Studio Membership

Because printmaking and photography go so well together, we offer membership to both areas as a single membership! The print studio offers access to a printing press, a screenprinting area, a darkroom with three enlargers, sewing machines, and more. See everything offered in Print/Photo on our facilities page. Membership does not cover film, screen fees, carving medium, or paper - these can be purchased in our studio store.

We require all members (monthly members and project pass members) to schedule an orientation in order to know how to safely and independently use the facilities before using the space.

If you are interested in using the studio to complete a specific project, a project pass (membership for 2 weeks) is a good option. Learn more about that here.

Print/Photo Monthly Membership:

  • Membership includes access to the darkroom and the print shop

  • Monthly Rate: $75 per calendar month beginning on the 1st of each month.  Members joining after the 15th will be prorated at $40 for their first month, then billed at full rate on the first day of the next month

  • Members can access the studio from 7am-9pm daily, except during classes or if the studio is at capacity (online scheduling of studio time is required)

  • Discount tutorial rates available at $25/hour per person

  • Members receive a 20% discount on all Alchemy classes!

  • Membership to Print/Photo and Ceramics studios: $140/month

  • Memberships are month-to-month. To cancel a membership, please contact us before the start of the month you’d like to cancel

Print/Photo Project Pass:

  • One $55 pass is good for two weeks of membership. Your two weeks begin after your orientation and expire after 14 days

  • Passes can be purchased in our online store

  • No Discount tutorial rate. See private classes page for private class rates/info

  • Studio orientation required before use

  • Option of rolling over into regular monthly membership

Special Situations:

  • Parent/child memberships: Membership is primarily geared towards adults, although some children under the age of 17 may be permitted to join along with a parent or guardian. Please let us know if you would like to discuss options

  • Tuition assistance: If finances are a barrier for joining the studio, we invite you to apply for tuition assistance. You can learn more and apply here

Apply for Membership

Interested in applying? Please email to get started, and include the following information:

  • Which studio are you applying for?

  • Are you applying for a specific month/months or would you like to start an ongoing membership?

  • Ceramics: do you want a personal storage shelf?

  • Orientations are required before membership goes into effect - let us know your availability for your orientation - they take about 1 hr.

  • Do you need any tutorials?

​Memberships begin on the first of each month. Please email us at least a week in advance of the month you are applying for so we can get you set up! Interested in a punch card or a project pass? Learn more about those options here.