Please join artists Nikyta Palmisani, Juniper Blomberg, Anya Gleizer, and Pablo Fernández Velasco as they discuss their creative collaboration and exploration how ecological boundaries can transform one’s sense of a place.
Nikyta and Juniper are local Lopez artists. Anya is an artist and researcher at Oxford University, and Pablo is a researcher at Trinity College Dublin. Integral to their common project is a focus on local food and the boundaries one encounters in the effort to eat locally and therefore limit the use of non-local resources. The act of procuring, preparing, cooking and eating food (an art ritual in itself) has deep parallels with the act of making art – it reflects how our bodies and spirits are nourished, and also where this nourishment originates from.
This presentation will be held in the dome at Alchemy. For more information on how to get here, please visit our contact page.